There are a couple of command line parameters that you can use when starting TraceWrangler:

  1. Any parameter that ends on ".task" will be considered as a task settings file. If the file exists the according task will be added to the task list right away, even if there is no file in the file list yet. This can be helpful if you want to create a standard task that you want to be in the task list whenever you start TraceWrangler.
  2. Any other parameter will be checked if there is a file of that name, and if so, it will be added to the file list instantly. If it turns out to be a directory instead, all files in that directory will be added as long as they are one of the capture file formats TraceWrangler recognizes.
  3. Adding the parameter "/filelist:<filename>" will add all capture files listed in the text file specified by "<filename>". The format of the text file is one file name per line.
  4. "/autorun" will automatically run all available tasks against all files, and if "/exit" is added, TraceWrangler will exit after the tasks are complete.

Examples:        c:\> tracewrangler.exe d:\traces\test.pcapng d:\test\anon.task


               This will add the file "test.pcapng" from the directory "d:\traces" to the file list, and add the task "anon.task" to the task list.

               c:\> tracewrangler.exe /filelist:d:\test\filelist.txt d:\test\anon.task /autorun /exit


               This will add all files listed in the the text file "d:\test\filelist.txt" to the file list, and add the task "anon.task" to the task list. After that, the task is run against all files found in the filelist.txt. When all tasks are complete, Tracewrangler exits.